Mittwoch, 10. November 2010


today I went to visit my school before going to the city. I used the chance to talk to a few teachers and former schoolmates. I miss it >___<
but still it's a little strange to go there ^^;

Then I went to the city to get my Gingerbread Latte at Starbucks *_____* Yummy!
and they got those super delicious christmas coockies ^____^
maybe I will go to Starbucks again tomorrow XD (even though I really can't afford it)
But I met Shane at Coffee Shop. Strange to sit at Coffee Shop with a Starbucks Coockie and drink XD
I was scared Waris would come and shout 'Out! Out!' XD

And Shane drew Lady Gaga XDD


But I had to go home early because I had to work in the afternoon and I had really, really, really bad period pains. so i had to take some painkillers (two at once, to be precise XD)
it got a little better but i still felt awful u.u

work was okay...

and I'm glad I don't have to work the next two days...I don't feel well lately..
I'm always tired and stuff u.u


1 Kommentar:

emily ♥ hat gesagt…

Gingerbread Latte!?! >___< <3
oh gott ich glaub ich muss meine mama um geld anhaun, ich will das! XD

achja die shenne! <3

ich freu mich auf bald wenn wir uns alle wieder haben :'D