Samstag, 6. November 2010


sooo.. At first: I know I said I was going to post something about Disneyland...but I don't really feel like it ^^;
I mean I've been there and did everything XD
And the pictures are on Facebook.

And today my parents went to visit my aunt. So I'm at home alone.

But Alex and Jolly came over and we watched some Disney movies and talked ^^
It was cool.
Now they went home and I cleaned up the house because I have to work tomorrow and my parents will come back meanwhile.

work is going to be tough tomorrow. From 8:30 am until 7 pm

Now I have some time until I have to go to sleep. And I don't really know what to do...

And going to sleep won't be that easy today...
Beeing at home alone still freaks me out a little bit. It's different when I know my parents are going to come back during the night but...I don't know. I'm too much of a child to like beeing at home alone over the night...It scares me a little bit..
And earlier it wasn't a problem because my sister was there but now she's gone u.u

I hope I will find a little sleep at least u.u


3 Kommentare:

mey van sarkasmi hat gesagt…

Meine Methode: den Fernseher einschalten und den Timer auf eine Stunde einstellen...das klappt meistens^^

emily ♥ hat gesagt…

arme resi ;3;
ich hab mir als ich klein war immer eingebildet, dass einbrecher ins haus kommen xD und dann hab ich sie mit meinen flummis beworfen x'DDD soviel zu mir.

Johnny Le Rotten hat gesagt…

ich konnte zum glück eh schlafen ^^
ich bins nur ned so gewohnt das es so still is daheim