the weekend was really rough and I feel exhausted. my legs hurt and I'm tired.
Saturday and Sunday were basically the same. I got up at 5:30 am and started work until 14:30 and then I went to the theater for the rehearsals. I enjoyed it but still after work it's not that easy to jump around and everything.
there's not really more to say...
good night
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011
Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011
what a beautiful day :D
I really enjoyed my day ^____^
It doesn't even bother me that I have to go to work tomorrow.
I had an awesome time with Paul and he took even more time for me than we planed.
We met at Starbucks and had something to drink. No coffee u.u
I did not drink one cup today and I really got a headache. But I have to try this...maybe I will find some sleep now. It's the last thing I could think of. I hope it works u.u
Then we went on to DZ because Paul had to buy some stuff.
After the shopping was done we went to Burger King because Paul was hungry.
I know it does not sound special but I had so much fun ^^
So...tomorrow I have to work again but it won't be that bad. At least I hope so ^^;
It doesn't even bother me that I have to go to work tomorrow.
I had an awesome time with Paul and he took even more time for me than we planed.
We met at Starbucks and had something to drink. No coffee u.u
I did not drink one cup today and I really got a headache. But I have to try this...maybe I will find some sleep now. It's the last thing I could think of. I hope it works u.u
Then we went on to DZ because Paul had to buy some stuff.
After the shopping was done we went to Burger King because Paul was hungry.
I know it does not sound special but I had so much fun ^^
So...tomorrow I have to work again but it won't be that bad. At least I hope so ^^;
Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011
good day after all ^^;
so...the most important thing...nothing changed about my sleeping situation u.u
I tried EVERYTHING! Hot milk, counting sheep and all that shit...
so...gettung up today wasn't that easy >___>;
At first I went to the DZ and handed in my application at 'Depot' and the nice woman at the counter said I would get a call soon...somehow I have the feeling this is going to be it. Not my dream-job but I have a good feeling about it at least ^^
I stopped at Schwedenplatz to refer my mum some money and then I went on to 'Shakespeare and Company' and stayed there for an hour. I just love this shop. The atmosphere, the smell of all those books, pages, words....
I bought a cool book: 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Undead' *___*
Then I went on to Mariahilferstraße. At Nexus I found some Dir en Grey shirts and bought them. Unfortunately the did not have the one Irish liked and I wasn't sure which one I should buy for her. I was worried she would not like it u.u
I went for some coffee at Starbucks but during drinking coffee and reading 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' I got like the worst period pains ever! so I went home straight away to get some painkillers...what I found was the empty box >___>; thanks..
But I eventually felt better and went to the city again XDDD I did not have anything better to do.

The I went home again and there it finally was: The full PV to 'Lotus', the new single by Dir en Grey *___*
I love it! And Toshiya is just sooo damn hot playing his base-guitar! And Kaoru wears the coolest shoes (well not cooler than mine but cool XD)
yeah...that was my day ^^;
tomorrow I will meet with Paul and we're going to have coffee together ^^ can't wait!
Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011
still alive I guess..
yeah..It's been pretty long again XD
but I'm still least to some point..
the only thing that happened lately is that somehow for some reason I can't sleep...8 nights now..
I don't know why..
I can't fall asleep until 1 or 2 am and then I sleep like for two hours and then I wake up again and the last hours is like 'nap-awake-nap-awake' and so on until I have to get up...
I hate it.
And I'm close to the point where you are just so tired and exhausted and wasted that you just burst out into tears..
I don't know if you know that feeling but well...yeah...
let's just hope I will get more sleep soon..
tomorrow I will get up early again. At first I will hand in my application to 2 stores at the DZ (because next monday is my last day at my current work), then I have to go to the bank and refer my mum some money and get some money for myself. I don't know if the Miyavi-tickets are available yet but I will ask. I've been listening to the new album all day and it's really good. Still, It's Miyavi ^^
and maybe Alex and I will attend the Jamiroquai cnoncert *___* their new album is also great ^^
maybe I will just spend the rest of the day visiting my favourite book-store, 'Shakespeare and CO.', and then I'll get some coffee at Starbucks and read.
now I have to update the playlist on my mp3-player ^^;
the song of the day is: Miyavi - Super Hero *___*
Miyavi - Super Hero
but I'm still least to some point..
the only thing that happened lately is that somehow for some reason I can't sleep...8 nights now..
I don't know why..
I can't fall asleep until 1 or 2 am and then I sleep like for two hours and then I wake up again and the last hours is like 'nap-awake-nap-awake' and so on until I have to get up...
I hate it.
And I'm close to the point where you are just so tired and exhausted and wasted that you just burst out into tears..
I don't know if you know that feeling but well...yeah...
let's just hope I will get more sleep soon..
tomorrow I will get up early again. At first I will hand in my application to 2 stores at the DZ (because next monday is my last day at my current work), then I have to go to the bank and refer my mum some money and get some money for myself. I don't know if the Miyavi-tickets are available yet but I will ask. I've been listening to the new album all day and it's really good. Still, It's Miyavi ^^
and maybe Alex and I will attend the Jamiroquai cnoncert *___* their new album is also great ^^
maybe I will just spend the rest of the day visiting my favourite book-store, 'Shakespeare and CO.', and then I'll get some coffee at Starbucks and read.
now I have to update the playlist on my mp3-player ^^;
the song of the day is: Miyavi - Super Hero *___*
Miyavi - Super Hero
Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011
magical moment on my way home...
i was just on my way home from meeting with Alex and when I sat down in the tram I saw her..
I never thought there'd be a person on earth books would have the same effect on like they do with me.
There was that girl standing at the window of the tram. She wore a violet skirt, brown boots and a thick winter jacket and carried a red backpack on her shoulder.
Her hair was bound back to some sort of knot. but there were some streaks which curled their way down her neck and some hung into her face....but she did not care...
So she was standing there reading 'Alice in Wonderland' (which made her lovable enough already XD) and while she was reading she formed all the words with her lips like she was reading to herself. And if you, like me, can not read from the lips you could read the story from her face.
She was smiling to herself when something funny happend and then she looked thrilled again....and she never stopped reading it to herself.
And the most fascinating thing about her was that she excactly looked like my imagination of what Wendy from the story Peter Pan would look like...
I was so focused on her that I almost forgot to get off the tram ^^;
sometimes the universe does something to make you smile..
I never thought there'd be a person on earth books would have the same effect on like they do with me.
There was that girl standing at the window of the tram. She wore a violet skirt, brown boots and a thick winter jacket and carried a red backpack on her shoulder.
Her hair was bound back to some sort of knot. but there were some streaks which curled their way down her neck and some hung into her face....but she did not care...
So she was standing there reading 'Alice in Wonderland' (which made her lovable enough already XD) and while she was reading she formed all the words with her lips like she was reading to herself. And if you, like me, can not read from the lips you could read the story from her face.
She was smiling to herself when something funny happend and then she looked thrilled again....and she never stopped reading it to herself.
And the most fascinating thing about her was that she excactly looked like my imagination of what Wendy from the story Peter Pan would look like...
I was so focused on her that I almost forgot to get off the tram ^^;
sometimes the universe does something to make you smile..
Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011
why is this week over already?
god...why do good times always pass so fast u.u
i don't want to go to work tomorrow >____<
the last days of the week have been over really quick..
yesterday I helped my mum to re-arrange her Lord of the Rings-figures which took us really long...I mean she must have thousands of them x___x
but it was fun though XD
then in the afternoon i met with my sister and we went to this coocking exhibition (is that the right word? i don't know) at the Messezentrum..
and the whole day I had Miyavi screaming into my ears *__*
today I went to Burgenland with my parents because my Taufpatin (can't remember that word in englisch either u.u shame on me) had her birthday..
and well...that took us almost the whole day..
right when we came back I went to Starbucks just to relax at the end of this week and kept on reading 'The Child Thief'....
god, i really have too much imagination for this book...
the people at starbucks must have seen the horror in my eyes because they were looking really strange XD
but I did not care...I was just too shocked.. ^^;
and now I'm home dreading the day to come. i really hope the next two days will pass as fast as the whole week did XD
so good night everyone <3
i don't want to go to work tomorrow >____<
the last days of the week have been over really quick..
yesterday I helped my mum to re-arrange her Lord of the Rings-figures which took us really long...I mean she must have thousands of them x___x
but it was fun though XD
then in the afternoon i met with my sister and we went to this coocking exhibition (is that the right word? i don't know) at the Messezentrum..
and the whole day I had Miyavi screaming into my ears *__*
today I went to Burgenland with my parents because my Taufpatin (can't remember that word in englisch either u.u shame on me) had her birthday..
and well...that took us almost the whole day..
right when we came back I went to Starbucks just to relax at the end of this week and kept on reading 'The Child Thief'....
god, i really have too much imagination for this book...
the people at starbucks must have seen the horror in my eyes because they were looking really strange XD
but I did not care...I was just too shocked.. ^^;
and now I'm home dreading the day to come. i really hope the next two days will pass as fast as the whole week did XD
so good night everyone <3
Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011
one week off work ^^
once again I haven't been blogging in a long time...
but now I have some time because I don't think I will go to sleep soon...
Paul and I watched some very.....confusing movies ^^;
the last one was 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'...those of you who know the movie will understand ^^;
there didn't really was anything happening the last days ^^;
maybe that's why I did not write anything in my blog...
i don't know ^^;
but paul coming over was really the highlight of the week :D
we watched some movies
First movie: Fanboys XD
a group of nerds try to steal the new star wars movie xD
Second movie: Driving Lessons
i really like this movie and I wanted to show it to him so bad XD and he likes it too <3
Third movie: Super Mario Bros
u.u oh god.....i wish i had not bought this movie...not worth it..absolutely not worth it XD
Fourth movie: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
okay...did I just not get it or is this whole movie just senseless??? you spend two hours watching some guys on an neverending trip...I feel really disturbed...and confused..and sometime during the movie I really thought I was on drugs...and still it's a better movie than 'Mario Bros' xD
now I walked Paul to the bus station and I'm trying to clear my thoughts ^^;
hope I will get some sleep..
tomorrow I have to go to the dentist again :S
but now I have some time because I don't think I will go to sleep soon...
Paul and I watched some very.....confusing movies ^^;
the last one was 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'...those of you who know the movie will understand ^^;
there didn't really was anything happening the last days ^^;
maybe that's why I did not write anything in my blog...
i don't know ^^;
but paul coming over was really the highlight of the week :D
we watched some movies
First movie: Fanboys XD
a group of nerds try to steal the new star wars movie xD
Second movie: Driving Lessons
i really like this movie and I wanted to show it to him so bad XD and he likes it too <3
Third movie: Super Mario Bros
u.u oh god.....i wish i had not bought this movie...not worth it..absolutely not worth it XD
Fourth movie: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
okay...did I just not get it or is this whole movie just senseless??? you spend two hours watching some guys on an neverending trip...I feel really disturbed...and confused..and sometime during the movie I really thought I was on drugs...and still it's a better movie than 'Mario Bros' xD
now I walked Paul to the bus station and I'm trying to clear my thoughts ^^;
hope I will get some sleep..
tomorrow I have to go to the dentist again :S
Samstag, 8. Januar 2011
tonight my friends saved my life...
my day was....yuck! >___>;
people throwing up at work...other people yelling at me...
still I'm glad Benny made it to me..we watched 'Harold and Kumar' but then he had to leave again u.u
and then...don't wanna talk about it really ^^;
Let's just say I had to escape from home...
So I did not know what to first I went to Starbucks but this girl put so much chai in my coffee i thought i was going to be sick x___x
and then Alex allowed me to come over a little earlier..I'm glad I have her.
She said her doors were open for me everytime...that's so nice! ;___; Thank you!
It's just good to know I actually have some place to go if everythings goes wrong again..
Singstar-Evening at their place was nice ^^ even though i had to leave earlier again..
somehow I feel like Cinderella..
'You're allowed to go to the ball but you have to be back before midnight..'
bla bla bla...u.u
Actually I'm too tired to write more now...but I had a nice evening..
and even though I only want to sleep now there are some things I can't get out of my mind...I'm so confused...
people throwing up at work...other people yelling at me...
still I'm glad Benny made it to me..we watched 'Harold and Kumar' but then he had to leave again u.u
and then...don't wanna talk about it really ^^;
Let's just say I had to escape from home...
So I did not know what to first I went to Starbucks but this girl put so much chai in my coffee i thought i was going to be sick x___x
and then Alex allowed me to come over a little earlier..I'm glad I have her.
She said her doors were open for me everytime...that's so nice! ;___; Thank you!
It's just good to know I actually have some place to go if everythings goes wrong again..
Singstar-Evening at their place was nice ^^ even though i had to leave earlier again..
somehow I feel like Cinderella..
'You're allowed to go to the ball but you have to be back before midnight..'
bla bla bla...u.u
Actually I'm too tired to write more now...but I had a nice evening..
and even though I only want to sleep now there are some things I can't get out of my mind...I'm so confused...
Freitag, 7. Januar 2011
books...books..and being lazy..^^
I got up today and went out imediatley because my father started to clean the this mood he's horrible..>__>;
so i went out and bought some new books, had some coffee at Starbucks and just took a strole down Mariahilferstraße ^^
one of the books is sooo cool...I already finished it today XD
some people in germany have this website where they collect messages sent by drunk people before, during and after a party..and the best of them made it into this book..
all the people at starbucks were looking at me like i was mad because I had to laugh so hard about some messages XD
Example A:
'Kannst du mich abholen?'
'Wo bist du?'
'Weiß nicht. Aber ich kann den Mond sehen.'
Example B:
'Wieso hast du mir am Freitag deine Handynummer gegeben, wenn du eh nicht antwortest? :-('
'Weil ich zu voll war, um dir die falsche zu geben!'
Example C:
'Du Judas hast das Bier!'
'Ja, und deine Freundin. ;-)'
XD I love it
during the day I kept texting Weird-Al ^^
And I can't wait until tomorrow evening..even though I hate the fact I have to leave early again...but know u.u
but somehow I really get annoyed...It seems like I ALWAYS have to work on holidays and weekends...
and I have to wait until monday to ask my chef how my next week will look like...if she's back by then u.u
just focus u.u stay alive and just do it...
so i went out and bought some new books, had some coffee at Starbucks and just took a strole down Mariahilferstraße ^^
one of the books is sooo cool...I already finished it today XD
some people in germany have this website where they collect messages sent by drunk people before, during and after a party..and the best of them made it into this book..
all the people at starbucks were looking at me like i was mad because I had to laugh so hard about some messages XD
Example A:
'Kannst du mich abholen?'
'Wo bist du?'
'Weiß nicht. Aber ich kann den Mond sehen.'
Example B:
'Wieso hast du mir am Freitag deine Handynummer gegeben, wenn du eh nicht antwortest? :-('
'Weil ich zu voll war, um dir die falsche zu geben!'
Example C:
'Du Judas hast das Bier!'
'Ja, und deine Freundin. ;-)'
XD I love it
during the day I kept texting Weird-Al ^^
And I can't wait until tomorrow evening..even though I hate the fact I have to leave early again...but know u.u
but somehow I really get annoyed...It seems like I ALWAYS have to work on holidays and weekends...
and I have to wait until monday to ask my chef how my next week will look like...if she's back by then u.u
just focus u.u stay alive and just do it...
just turn back the time ^^
today was a great day ^^
actually the best day I had since...I don't know when.. ^^;
even though I had to work XD
but I could keep on looking forward to meeting with Paul ^____^
And I really enjoyed myself..
we met at McCafé and had some coffee (my third cup today XD)
then he took me to some restaurant called 'Hitomi'
coooooool *____*
nice service, good food, cheap....perfect location :D
then we went on to Starbucks and had coffee....again XD
and all the time we were talking...actually I was talking a little too much as usually ^^;
so next time he will have to tell me about vegetables he doesn't like and animals he's afraid of XD
the evening we spent at Alex' and his place singing...I sucked XD
tomorrow I don't have to work but I don't want to stay at parents have taken some holidays and I just need to get out of here u.u
so who of the party-people got time? please text me ^^'s been a really long day since it started at 5:30 am...
I guess I'm just going to watch some episodes of 'Friends' and then I will try to go to sleep...even though I had so much coffee ^^;
the song of the day is 'I wanna' by The All-American Rejects ^^
The All-American Rejects - I wanna
actually the best day I had since...I don't know when.. ^^;
even though I had to work XD
but I could keep on looking forward to meeting with Paul ^____^
And I really enjoyed myself..
we met at McCafé and had some coffee (my third cup today XD)
then he took me to some restaurant called 'Hitomi'
coooooool *____*
nice service, good food, cheap....perfect location :D
then we went on to Starbucks and had coffee....again XD
and all the time we were talking...actually I was talking a little too much as usually ^^;
so next time he will have to tell me about vegetables he doesn't like and animals he's afraid of XD
the evening we spent at Alex' and his place singing...I sucked XD
tomorrow I don't have to work but I don't want to stay at parents have taken some holidays and I just need to get out of here u.u
so who of the party-people got time? please text me ^^'s been a really long day since it started at 5:30 am...
I guess I'm just going to watch some episodes of 'Friends' and then I will try to go to sleep...even though I had so much coffee ^^;
the song of the day is 'I wanna' by The All-American Rejects ^^
The All-American Rejects - I wanna
Montag, 3. Januar 2011
THE shoes! I went to Parndorf with my mother and my sister...
and I found the best, the greatest, the coolest shoes in the whole wide world! I will wear them everyday no matter how fucked up they maybe look and even after the world ends the cockroaches will still be wearing them because they are just SO COOL!!
and I found the best, the greatest, the coolest shoes in the whole wide world! I will wear them everyday no matter how fucked up they maybe look and even after the world ends the cockroaches will still be wearing them because they are just SO COOL!!
God save The Sex Pistols!
God save those shoes!
And if you're done with that you can even save The Queen XD
Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011
guess who...
doesn't have to work tomorrow and who is going shopping with her sister and mother and pandorf
sooo excited about it...I will buy some new shoes *___*
and my next two working days will be soo cool ^^
I have to go to work at 6:30 in the morning but I can go home at 11:30
sooo excited about it...I will buy some new shoes *___*
and my next two working days will be soo cool ^^
I have to go to work at 6:30 in the morning but I can go home at 11:30
Samstag, 1. Januar 2011
I am so tired....
and because I was so afraid I culd wake up too late I woke up at 4:30, 5:15, 6:39 and 7:30
now I just made me my second cup of coffee and I'm starting to feel awake ^^;
I really don't want to go to work...;____;
I hate it...Q____Q
I want to go back in time and spend the last day of the year again with my friends...forever XD
and because I was so afraid I culd wake up too late I woke up at 4:30, 5:15, 6:39 and 7:30
now I just made me my second cup of coffee and I'm starting to feel awake ^^;
I really don't want to go to work...;____;
I hate it...Q____Q
I want to go back in time and spend the last day of the year again with my friends...forever XD
new year - new ... what?
sooo...I'm back home now ^^
awesome party! I'm glad I people are awesome
and now I'm tired...
but I don't think I'm going to be asleep soon...can't stop thinking about how stupid I am XD
Happy New Year everybody ^^
awesome party! I'm glad I people are awesome
and now I'm tired...
but I don't think I'm going to be asleep soon...can't stop thinking about how stupid I am XD
Happy New Year everybody ^^
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