so...the most important thing...nothing changed about my sleeping situation u.u
I tried EVERYTHING! Hot milk, counting sheep and all that shit...
so...gettung up today wasn't that easy >___>;
At first I went to the DZ and handed in my application at 'Depot' and the nice woman at the counter said I would get a call soon...somehow I have the feeling this is going to be it. Not my dream-job but I have a good feeling about it at least ^^
I stopped at Schwedenplatz to refer my mum some money and then I went on to 'Shakespeare and Company' and stayed there for an hour. I just love this shop. The atmosphere, the smell of all those books, pages, words....
I bought a cool book: 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Undead' *___*
Then I went on to Mariahilferstraße. At Nexus I found some Dir en Grey shirts and bought them. Unfortunately the did not have the one Irish liked and I wasn't sure which one I should buy for her. I was worried she would not like it u.u
I went for some coffee at Starbucks but during drinking coffee and reading 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' I got like the worst period pains ever! so I went home straight away to get some painkillers...what I found was the empty box >___>; thanks..
But I eventually felt better and went to the city again XDDD I did not have anything better to do.

The I went home again and there it finally was: The full PV to 'Lotus', the new single by Dir en Grey *___*
I love it! And Toshiya is just sooo damn hot playing his base-guitar! And Kaoru wears the coolest shoes (well not cooler than mine but cool XD)
yeah...that was my day ^^;
tomorrow I will meet with Paul and we're going to have coffee together ^^ can't wait!
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