my day was....yuck! >___>;
people throwing up at work...other people yelling at me...
still I'm glad Benny made it to me..we watched 'Harold and Kumar' but then he had to leave again u.u
and then...don't wanna talk about it really ^^;
Let's just say I had to escape from home...
So I did not know what to first I went to Starbucks but this girl put so much chai in my coffee i thought i was going to be sick x___x
and then Alex allowed me to come over a little earlier..I'm glad I have her.
She said her doors were open for me everytime...that's so nice! ;___; Thank you!
It's just good to know I actually have some place to go if everythings goes wrong again..
Singstar-Evening at their place was nice ^^ even though i had to leave earlier again..
somehow I feel like Cinderella..
'You're allowed to go to the ball but you have to be back before midnight..'
bla bla bla...u.u
Actually I'm too tired to write more now...but I had a nice evening..
and even though I only want to sleep now there are some things I can't get out of my mind...I'm so confused...
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