I'm sooo glad this day is almost over and I'm sitting at home now. ^^
actually work was as always but well, it's hard ^^; I think I will never get used to working XD
I got a call today from this short movie-guy. they would need me at the 6th october but I have to work!! >o<
but I will try to switch shift. Wish me luck! I want it so baaaaaaaaad >____<
and then, shortly before I was about to leave work the dishwasher had soooooome kind of disfunction and I had to repair it (actually I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but at least it works again ^^)
but of course it took time to repair this bloody thing and so I had to stay longer
how annoying x__x
at least I don't have to work tomorrow. I will spend the day baking a cake for Keung, shopping with Iris and then we will head off to Keung celebrating his birthday ^___^
and I have to wrap Iris' birthday present ^^
I still haven't decided what to give her as her birthday present and what's going to be her christmas present. so I'm going to wrap both and let her choose >D
and at last: the song og the day!
It really reflects the mood of the day.
It's ' I'm no superman ' by Lazlo Bane (also known as the Scrubs-Theme ^^)
--> Lazlo Bane - I'm no Superman
1 Kommentar:
crap. sieh wirklich zu, dass du an dem tag frei kriegst oder später/früher kommst. wie auch immer. auch wenns lediglich n kurzfilm ist :))
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