Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

Pastorello d'un povero armento
pur dorme contento,
sotto l'ombra d'un faggio o d'alloro...

Io, d'un regno monarca fastoso,
non trovo riposo,
sotto l'ombra di porpora e d'oro...

Dienstag, 29. März 2011

curtains close

the theater-project is now over. and I'm really relieved but also really sad.
there are no words for the time we had. ^^

thinking about it this half year passed so fast. we really worked hard and I'm so proud of our version of Rodelinda. :D

And now I have time to blog again ^^;

today also went great! and then we had a little private party so we could say goodbye to everyone. Catherine ordered 15 pizzas XD
and Benni composed a Pizza-song which is stuck in my head now! I can't wait to see the video.
In the end there were six of us left, more precisely the six of us who just did not want to leave. we thought about staying over night. everyone in the theater knows us...I don't think they would care if we did XD
when we finally left the theater we were allowed to go on stage one more saying goodbye for real. It was great. ^^
but we will meet again soon. I guess in a few months there will be a meeting again for everyone where we will get the DVD and stuff. I'm looking forward to it. This year we all were even closer and if someone was down or something the others cheered one up. we just worked hard and grew closer and closer during this time. there's no explanation for it. I'm really going to miss them all.
But soon there will be a new project! I'm really excited about it ^___^

So I guess this means I have to go back to my normal life...find a job and stuff u___u
boring >__<


Montag, 7. März 2011

mein stolz leidet u___u

ich hatte heute meinen letzten tag beim Jello...

es gibt nicht wirklich was das mich daran jez so wirklich stört.

ich wollt sowieso ned dort bleiben und die chefin is eine blöde krampf-zicke >___>;
tja, anscheinend hat sie gemerkt wie ich über sie denke ^^;

und außerdem brauch ich mir jez keine sorgen machen wegen den theaterproben nächste woche. ich werd sicher zeit haben XD

das einzige problem is einfach das ich jez ganz ohne job dasteh ^^; das könnte blöd werden.

und ja...mein stolz hat halt einen dämpfer abbekommen. das wurmt mich wirklich >___< ich wollt eigentlich aufhören und ned...naja rausgeschmissen werden kann man ned sagen oder? das probemonat war halt vorbei...

naja...mir wird schon was einfallen XD

alex? ich glaub wir müssen uns dann wieder mal zam setzen XD
