I have not been writing a lot the last days ^^;
but there was not much to say either ^^
I spent the weekend at the theater. I love it.
The work at the theater shows us not to be afraid of our feelings and to be more confident with what we do ^^
we can do everything we want and can try out things without someine judging us ^^ that's cool..
yesterday I've been at work..well ^^;
it was okay..
today I did not have to go to work so I went for a short visit to my old school. I really love looking at our 'Wall af Fame' were we all put our hand-prints ^^
then I went to the city and bought some new DVDs.
Fantasia, Lost Boys - The Thirst aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Super Mario Bros (yes...someone really made a movie out of it ^^;) i did not have the chance to watch it but i guess it's really stupid XD
tomorrow I have to work early again so I better go to sleep now u.u
and I have to stay longer tomorrow because we have this team-meeting again..
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